

Natsuki Subaru, an ordinary high school student, is on his way home from the convenience store when he finds himself transported to another world. As he's lost and confused in a new world where he doesn't even know left from right, the only person to reach out to him was a beautiful girl with silver hair. Determined to repay her somehow for saving him from his own despair, Subaru agrees to help the girl find something she's looking for.


  • Specials
    50 episodes


  • Season 1
    66 episodes

    Season 1


  • Yusuke Kobayashi

    Yusuke Kobayashi

    Subaru Natsuki (voice)

  • Rie Takahashi

    Rie Takahashi

    Emilia (voice)

  • Yumi Uchiyama

    Yumi Uchiyama

    Puck (voice)

  • Chinatsu Akasaki

    Chinatsu Akasaki

    Felt (voice)

  • Yuichi Nakamura

    Yuichi Nakamura

    Reinhard Van Astrea (voice)

  • Inori Minase

    Inori Minase

    Rem (voice)

  • Rie Murakawa

    Rie Murakawa

    Ram (voice)

  • Takehito Koyasu

    Takehito Koyasu

    Roswaal L. Mathers (voice)

  • Satomi Arai

    Satomi Arai

    Beatrice (voice)

  • Kohei Amasaki

    Kohei Amasaki

    Otto Suwen (voice)

  • Nobuhiko Okamoto

    Nobuhiko Okamoto

    Garfiel Tinsel (voice)

  • Kaori Nazuka

    Kaori Nazuka

    Frederica Baumann (voice)

  • Aimi Tanaka

    Aimi Tanaka

    Lewes Meyer (voice)

  • Maaya Sakamoto

    Maaya Sakamoto

    Echidna (voice)

  • Marika Kouno

    Marika Kouno

    Petra Leyte (voice)