A shaggy, candy-loving puppy named Dougal along with a group of friends embarks on a dangerous journey in an effort to imprison their oppressor -- the evil ice sorcerer ZeeBad (Zebedee's evil twin). As the world is placed in mortal danger Zeebad who wants to turn the world to ice. Doogal and his friends must recover 3 diamonds that are needed to stop him.
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Robbie Williams
Dougal (voice)
Kylie Minogue
Florence (voice)
Ian McKellen
Zebedee (voice)
Joanna Lumley
Ermintrude (voice)
Jim Broadbent
Brian (voice)
Bill Nighy
Dylan (voice)
Tom Baker
Zeebad (voice)
Ray Winstone
Soldier Sam (voice)
Lee Evans
Train (voice)
Jimmy Hibbert
Additional Voices (voice)