One year after the events of the anime, Rintarou begins to feel the repercussions of extensive time travel, and eventually completely fades from reality. Kurisu, being the only companion to remember him, now must find a way to bring him back.
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Mamoru Miyano
Rintarou Okabe (voice)
Asami Imai
Kurisu Makise (voice)
Tomokazu Seki
Itaru Hashida (voice)
Kana Hanazawa
Mayuri Shiina (voice)
Yukari Tamura
Suzuha Amane (voice)
Haruko Momoi
Nyan-Nyan Faris (voice)
Saori Goto
Moeka Kiryuu (voice)
Masaki Terasoma
Yuugo Tennouji (voice)
Yu Kobayashi
Ruka Urushibara (voice)