Jimmy (Jack Wild) ventures to Living Island with his magical, talking flute, Freddy. Once there, he befriends many of the island's inhabitants, but the evil Witchiepoo (Billie Hayes) is determined to steal Freddy the flute away from the boy to impress the visiting Witches' Council and win the Witch of the Year Award.
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Jack Wild
Billie Hayes
Martha Raye
Boss Witch
Cass Elliot
Witch Hazel (as Mama Cass)
Allan Melvin
H. R. Pufnstuf / Henrich Rat / Living Island Boat / Orville Pelican / Polka-Dotted Horse / Stupid Bat / West Wind (voice) (as Al Melvin)
Walker Edmiston
Dr. Blinky / Ludicrous Lion / Seymore Spider / Various (voice)
Don Messick
Freddy the Flute / Googy Gopher / Orson Vulture (voice)
Billy Barty
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Angelo Rossitto
Seymore Spider / Clang
Jane Dulo
Miss Flick
Sharon Baird
Shirley Pufnstuf
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Polkadotted Horse
Johnny Silver
Dr. Blinky / Ludicrous Lion
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