The madcap life of eccentric Mame Dennis and her bohemian, intellectual arty clique is disrupted when her deceased brother's 10-year-old son Patrick is entrusted to her care. Rather than bow to convention, Mame introduces the boy to her free-wheeling lifestyle, instilling in him her favorite credo, "Life is a banquet, and most poor sons of bitches are starving to death."
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Lucille Ball
Mame Dennis
Bea Arthur
Vera Charles
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Patrick as an adult
Kirby Furlong
Patrick as a boy
Jane Connell
Agnes Gooch
Joyce Van Patten
Sally Cato
Don Porter
Mr. Upson
Audrey Christie
Mrs. Upson
John McGiver
Mr. Babcock
Patrick Labyorteaux
Lucille Benson
Mother Burnside
Ruth McDevitt
Cousin Fan
Burt Mustin
Uncle Jeff
Leonard Stone
Stage Manager
Ned Wertimer
Fred Kates
Alice Nunn
Fat Lady
Michele Nichols
Barbara Bosson
Bob Harks
Commuter (uncredited)
George Holmes
Clerk (uncredited)
Sam Kwasman
Dancer (uncredited)
Mike Lally
Party Guest (uncredited)
Wanda Perry
Woman in Plaza Hotel (uncredited)
Leoda Richards
Theatre Patron (uncredited)
Paul Russell
Party Guest (uncredited)