Since its inception in 1931, Mahishasuramardini has been one of the most popular programmes in Bengali radio, and is currently the longest running radio programme in India, narrated by Birendra Krishna Bhadra. This film is a truthful account of what unfolded in 1976, after Aakashvani decided to replace Birendra Krishna with eminent actor Uttam Kumar in a revamped programme.
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Subhasish Mukherjee
Birendra Krishna Bhadra
Jisshu Sengupta
Uttam Kumar
Kanchan Mullick
Mr. Banerjee
Prosenjit Chatterjee
Sashi Sinha
Saptarshi Ray
Bhaswar Chatterjee
Devlina Kumar
Subhomoy Chatterjee
Pankaj Mullick