Hostel is 2013 teenage Nepalese film directed by new director Hemraj Bc. and produced by Sunil Rawal under Durgish Films banner. The film debuted the second generation faces in the film industry. The film stars new actors of Nepalese film industry like Anmol K.C., Gaurav Pahadi, Salon Basnet, Rista Basnet. This film also debuted model Prakreeti Shrestha as actress. The film is about the struggling life of teenagers in a hostel. It features love, betrayal, friendship, emotions, family ties and so on.
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Anmol K.C.
Aditya Bikram Rana
Salon Basnet
Hari Jung Shahi
Prakriti Shrestha
Shristi Shrestha
Ristha Basnet
Erica Basnet
Sunil Rawal
Hostel Warden
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