High school student Aoi Aioi lives with her elder sister, Akane, after a tragic accident took their parents away 13 years ago. Because Akane has since been taking care of her single-handedly, Aoi wants to move to Tokyo after her graduation to relieve her sister's burden and pursue a musical career, inspired by Akane's ex-boyfriend Shinnosuke "Shinno" Kanamuro. Shinno was part of a band until he left for Tokyo to become a professional guitarist after the sisters' parents passed away, and he was never to be seen again.
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Ryo Yoshizawa
Shinnosuke Kanamuro / Shinno (voice)
Riho Yoshioka
Akane Aioi (voice)
Shion Wakayama
Aoi Aioi (voice)
Ken Matsudaira
Dankichi Nitobe (voice)
Fukushi Ochiai
Masamichi Nakamura (voice)
You Taichi
Masatsugu Nakamura (voice)
Atsumi Tanezaki
Chika Ootaki (voice)
Yuto Uemura
Bamba (voice)
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Abo (voice)
Akinori Egoshi
Dankichi Band's Manager (voice)
Yuka Nukui
Akane's Colleague (voice)
Hiroshi Tsuchida
Dankichi Band's Keyboardist (voice)
Ryuichi Kijima
Ito (voice)
Chikahiro Kobayashi
Kodama (voice)
Ryo Sugisaki
Dankichi Band's Trombone Player (voice)
Hiroki Maeda
Dankichi Band's Saxophone Player (voice)
Taiten Kusunoki
Dankichi Band's Trumpet Player (voice)