A fictional account of one year in the life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. On Christmas Eve 1877, Elisabeth, once idolized for her beauty, turns 40 and is officially deemed an old woman; she starts trying to maintain her public image.
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Vicky Krieps
Empress Elisabeth
Florian Teichtmeister
Franz Josef
Katharina Lorenz
Marie Festetics
Jeanne Werner
Ida Ferenczy
Alma Hasun
Fanny Feifalik
Finnegan Oldfield
Louis Le Prince
Manuel Rubey
Ludwig II
Aaron Friesz
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria
Colin Morgan
Bay Middleton
Tamás Lengyel
Gyula Andrássy
Alexander Pschill
Georg Raab, Painter of the Court
Raphael Nicholas
Earl of Spencer
Lilly Marie Tschörtner
Norman Hacker
Chief Physician Leidesdorf
Marlene Hauser
Chambermaid Fini
Oliver Rosskopf
Eugen Ketterl
Peter Faerber
Prince of Auersperg
Klaus Huhle
Hofarzt von Widerhofer
David Oberkogler
Count Latour of Thurmburg
Stefan Puntigam
Raphael von Bargen
Constable Hohenlohe-Schillingfürst
Regina Fritsch
Countess of Fürstenberg
Johannes Rhomberg
Carl Freiherr von Hasenauer
Eva Spreitzhofer
Princess Marie of Hohenlohe
Stefan Murr
Count Holnstein